Temperature and paper screening is not enough
Instant Vitals™ is a unique mix of signal processing and AI technologies and measures 3 key vital signs with proven accuracy. Incorporates temperature assessment from 3rd party devices.
Using light from the cheek region, the AI in Instant Vitals™ determines wellness through key vital indicators and is unaffected by skin tone.

The AI processes the light similar to the well established PPG process.
Heart rate
Respiratory Rate
Oxygen Saturation
There’s more to wellness screening than temperature taking.

Instant Vitals™ was designed by medical doctors, engineers, professors, and digital & tech experts for both business and personal use.
For personal use and daily screening
Log in using your Instant Vitals™ unique personal QR code
Complete the screening questionnaire
Symptom questionnaire screen
Temperature is measured by 3rd Party Device and entered manually for wellness classification
Follow the instructions and perform the wellness screening of your vital sign indicators
Wellness vital sign indicator results are displayed followed by the wellness classification
Instant Vitals™ Wellness Status reflects either Green, Amber, Red or Critical

What does it mean?

Green status means you’re in good health
Your vital sign indicators are all normal
Amber status means you should be cautious
Some vital sign indicators are showing early warning of wellness deteriation, i.e not completely normal
Medical advice should be considered if this is a baseline change and/or ongoing more frequent monitoring
Your vital sign indicators are showing signs of wellness abnormality
Red status means you should consult a medical professional if one has not done so
Critical Status means at least one of your vital sign wellness indicators are extremely abnormal.
Do not hesitate – seek immediate medical attention!
This can be used to flag your employer / organisation that you are currently COVID positive.
Green status means you’re in good health
Your vital signs 
are all above the required levels
Amber status means 
you should be cautious
Some of your vitals signs are just below 
the required levels
Consider medical 
Red status means 
you should go to the doctor immediately or visit a testing facility
Your vitals signs 
are below the required levels
If you receive a critical status, your vital signs are far below the required levels
Do not hesitate – 
seek immediate medical attention!
If you state that 
you have had a positive COVID-19  
test within the 
past 14 days you 
will recieve a
positive status
Interested in getting Instant Vitals™
Contact Us
Instant Vitals™ for Industry & Business
Instant Vitals has a verifier version that is deployed for industry and business entry point wellness screening
Screen all employees and visitors at entry point using either their personal QR code or mobile number
Use the wellness status to manage entry.
Can be integrated with 3rd Party Systems (Access Control)
Monitor employee and visitor wellness using real time cloud dashboards
Real-time secure analytical dashboards for enterprise wellness reporting and monitoring
Monitor employee and visitor status entering and exiting the venues
Ensure screening compliance by staff and visitors
Monitor and manage multiple locations and organisations in one dashboard
Identify high risk employees and visitors
Interested in how Instant Vitals™ could benefit your organisation?
Contact Us